Alexis Slatter

Alexis Slatter

Call: 1999

“His unassuming character belies his great strength and exceptional intellect in fighting your case."

Legal 500, 2019 ed. (Immigration)

“He is a no-nonsense advocate and very effective as well.”

Legal 500, 2020 ed. (Immigration)

“A competent, confident, and dauntless advocate who always sets the pace for the arguments, leads the way, and thinks outside the box in critical moments.”

Legal 500, 2021 ed. (Immigration)

‘He is an expert in his field, he is thorough, and he has great rapport with clients, which leads to successful outcomes.'

Legal 500, 2023 ed. (Immigration)

‘He is very personable and much liked by clients. His ability to draft grounds very quickly is impressive and they have always been of a high quality, getting straight to the core of the issue.’

Legal 500, 2024 ed. (Immigration)

‘Exceptionally meticulous, has decades of experience, in-depth knowledge and understanding of law and practice.'

Legal 500, 2025 ed. (Immigration)

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Alexis is a Public Law practitioner specialising in Immigration and Asylum Law.  He has been consistently ranked as a leading junior in the Legal 500 where he is described as follows:

‘Exceptionally meticulous, has decades of experience, in-depth knowledge and understanding of law and practice.’ (2025 ed). ‘He is very personable and much liked by clients. His ability to draft grounds very quickly is impressive and they have always been of a high quality, getting straight to the core of the issue.’ (2024 ed.) ‘He is an expert in his field, he is thorough, and he has great rapport with clients, which leads to successful outcomes.’ (2023 ed.) “Alexis is very knowable in respect of EU law, with extensive experience in deportation cases of EU citizens. His particular strength is his ability to begin working on cases from the very onset to ensure cases are prepare for the final hearing, providing ongoing guidance and advice tailored to the individual case.” (2022 ed.); “A competent, confident, and dauntless advocate who always sets the pace for the arguments, leads the way, and thinks outside the box in critical moments.” (2021 ed.);He is a no-nonsense advocate and very effective as well. (2020 ed.); and “His unassuming character belies his great strength and exceptional intellect in fighting your case.”(2019 ed.).

Alexis has appeared in leading cases which have developed public law principles and practice.  For example, in relation to principles of procedural fairness at common law Alexis was instructed by direct access arrangement before the Court of Appeal (Civil Division) in the case of Balajigari v SSHD [2019] EWCA Civ 673.  His multidisciplinary academic background in understanding and securing human rights is  brought to bear on many of his cases which intersect various branches of the law, for example, the deportation case of SSHD v KE (Nigeria) [2017] EWCA Civ 1382, involved a cross-over of immigration, mental health and criminal law.  Alexis is an experienced advocate on behalf of disadvantaged and vulnerable clients in a variety of forums.  His cases have lead to guidance being given by the Senior Courts, on important procedural matters such as in relation to urgent interim relief applications before the Court of Appeal in MD (Afghanistan) v SSHD [2012] EWCA Civ 194 in addition to significant points of statutory interpretation in R (Mahmood) v UT(IAC) and Anor [2020] EWCA civ 717


Contributing editor of Lexis Nexis’ Butterworths Immigration Law Service Appeals section.

Interested in instructing Mr Slatter?

Please call 020 7353 6802 or complete the form below:

Immigration Barrister

Alexis Slatter’s immigration and asylum practise covers both personal and business related immigration law.

He acts acts for individuals and businesses and welcomes instruction through OISC representatives, solicitors or by direct access arrangement where appropriate.  He is particularly adept at handling legally and factually complex cases and welcomes early involvement, in order to secure timely resolution for clients.

Alexis is regularly instructed to provide written and oral advocacy in all types of application and appeal before the Immigration and Asylum Chamber of the First-tier and Upper Tribunals on bail applications, appeals, administrative and judicial review cases.   His appellate work often results in successful outcomes for individuals in relation to international protection, human rights, deportation, citizens’ rights and deprivation of citizenship issues.  He has a vast amount of experience in judicial review work in all types of immigration and human rights related public law challenges before the Upper Tribunal and the Administrative Court and has acted in leading cases before the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court on a variety of issues such as the approach to the interpretation of the immigration rules, procedural fairness and guidance on stays of removal.

Alexis commands an in-depth knowledge of case-law and holds an editorial role for a legal publication regarding procedural aspects of appellate work.  He frequently presents seminars and provides training on current issues in the field.

Notable Cases

Achref Anmari (EEA appeals – abandonment) [2020] UKUT 00124 (IAC), complex jurisdictional issue on whether an appeal under the EEA Regs 2016 fell to be treated as abandoned following a grant of leave to remain under the EUSS immigration rules.

R (Mahmood and Ors) v Upper Tribunal and Ors [2020] EWCA Civ 717, ruling on the definition of “an offence that has caused serious harm” in Part 5A of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002.

Balajigari v SSHD [2019] EWCA Civ 673, test case giving guidance on the general ground of refusal in para 322(5) of the immigration rules in the context of ‘tax discrepancy’ cases, procedural fairness in common law and human rights considerations.

SSHD v KE (Nigeria) [2017] EWCA Civ 1382– ruling on the interpretation of sentences for mentally ill ‘foreign criminals’ and the application of the automatic deportation regime.

R (Hammed Mohammed Alhammadi) v SSHD (FCJR) [2013] UKUT 00540 (IAC), fresh claim judicial review on protection grounds.

JK (India) v SSHD [2013] EWCA Civ 1080, false documents used by a student seeking an extension of leave.

EK (Article 4 ECHR: Anti-Trafficking Convention) Tanzania [2013] UKUT 00313 (IAC), test case involving article 4 ECHR in a trafficking and asylum claim.

MD (Afghanistan) v SSHD [2012] EWCA Civ 194, guidance given for those seeking urgent interim relief from the Court of Appeal.

R (M) v SSHD [2012] EWHC 1112 (Admin), successful 18 month unlawful detention judicial review claim in the Administrative Court following which substantial damages were secured for the claimant.

Ahmed Mahad & Others v Entry Clearance Officer [2009] UKSC 16, [2010] 1 WLR 48, Supreme Court case concerning third party support and the interpretation of immigration rules generally.

Education & Qualifications

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Law, Inns of Court School of Law
  • Graduate Diploma in Law, College of Law
  • MA in Understanding & Securing Human Rights, University of London
  • BSc in Social Policy, Sociology & Politics, University of Bristol


  • ILPA
  • ALAW

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