As a leading multi-disciplinary set we are committed to providing you with expert advocacy and quality advice.
We take pride in our profession and we work to maintain its highest standards of integrity. Our goal is to work with you to ensure your cases are handled with the utmost care and professionalism to a high standard. Together, we will find the right solution for your needs.
Please call 020 7353 6802 to speak to one of our clerks who will be happy to help you.
Our team within the Goldsmith Public Law Group is made up of specialist counsel in Immigration and Public Law, with several members who also work in other areas of law too. Our aim is excellence in legal service provision.
Please contact Neil Dinsdale one of our Clerks, who will advise you on the best representation for your requirements and budget. Please call on 0207 427 6802 or email.
Our Expertise
Our team has a reputation for securing successful results in some of the most difficult of cases, where individuals may be seeking any of the following:
Our expertise is underscored through extensive training programmes that we provide on immigration issues more widely and in particular on unlawful detention. Most recently, these include:
Unlawful Detention and Covid-19
The Goldsmith Immigration Team is well-known for our work with those who have been or are detained under immigration powers. We also work very closely with Bail for Immigration Detainees(‘BID’). You will have noted media coverage in relation to detainees, which was highlighted by BID in their letter to the Home Office on 11th March 2020 – a letter that was also co-signed by Medical Justice, Detention Action, Medact, Right to Remain, Women for Refugee Women, JCWI, Migrants Organise, Liberty, and ILPA. We shar their concerns about the very real risk of an uncontrolled outbreak of COVID-19 in immigration detention. The letter called for the release of immigration detainees.
Has the Home Office moved fast enough? Has the Home Office reviewed each person’s detention? Have they released all that could/should have been released?
As the dust settles, it may be that some of your clients will have a valid claim for compensation, if it is found that they were unlawfully detained
We are committed to publicly funded work, as well as privately funded and strategic litigation. Our team provides an immense depth of experience. Please contact Neil Dinsdale or Jordan Lloyd to discuss any aspect of your case, however complex, to explore how Goldsmith Public Law Group members can advise and assist you.
For further information about our services and fees, please click here.
Direct Access
If you are looking for representation on a direct access basis please click here or alternatively contact Thomas Green. You may also be interested in reading our client information leaflet, which explains the role of a barrister in your case.
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