Omurchadu Ghiassi

Omurchadu Ghiassi

Call: 2020

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Omurchadu is a pupil barrister at Goldsmith Chambers, and a Goddard Pupil Scholar with Gray’s Inn. He is in his second six and is acting in both Magistrates and Crown Court cases across London and the surrounding counties. In the Magistrates, his work has included first appearances, trial, and sentence; in the Crown Court, he regularly appears in cases which have included PTPHs and other case management hearings, bail applications, appeal against sentence, and committal for sentence, both prosecuting and defending. He is registered as a Grade 1 prosecutor with the Crown Prosecution Service, has completed youth justice and vulnerable witness training, and is accepting instructions in all aspects of criminal law. Cases so far have involved driving matters, theft, fraud, burglary, robbery, drugs, assault, sexual offences, public disorder, harassment, weapons, and dangerous dogs.

During his first six, he assisted in several Crown Court trials, involving serious, indictable-only offences, as well as other hearings, including sentencing hearings and bail applications. He was also instructed as a noting brief in a multi-hander drugs trial. His first six supervisor was Sarah Memmi.

Omurchadu read Law at University College London, where he was extensively involved in mooting competitions, including winning the Herbert Smith Freehills/UCL first-year Moot Final, and winning in the Hogan Lovell’s Cup competition between UCL and KCL. He then studied for the Bar at BPP University, having been awarded the BPP Advocacy Scholarship, and the Gray’s Inn Wilfred Getz Scholarship. At BPP, he obtained a Masters (LLM) with Distinction, which concerned judicial review, the case of UNISON v Lord Chancellor (SC, 2017), and the common law principle of effective access to justice. Omurchadu has a keen interest in criminal law and access to justice.

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