Archive: August 2020

Victoria Wilson nominated for Inspiring Women Lawyers Project

Victoria Wilson has been nominated as an inspiring woman lawyer in an online survey. A profile of her contribution to law and other women will be added to a project website hosted by the Oxford Faculty of Law. The project aims to create an oral history of inspiring women lawyers which will be lodged in the Sound Archive […]

Commonwealth Veterans’ Legal Action

Anthony Metzer QC and Sarah Pinder of Chambers, instructed by Vinita Templeton of Duncan Lewis Solicitors represent a group of eight Commonwealth Veterans (“the Claimants”), who have lodged a claim for judicial review against the Secretary of State for Defence (SSD) and the Secretary of State for the Home Department (SSHD).  This has been recently featured in two articles […]

Casewatch: Finsbury Food Group PLC v Dover [2020] EWHC 2176 (QB)

Heather Beckett of Goldsmith Chambers’ Civil Team looks at a recent costs matter of Finsbury Food Group PLC v Dover [2020] EWHC 2176 (QB) which was appealed to the High Court and clarifies the position of recoverable disbursements of counsel’s fees for advising on quantum in PI claims which start life in one of the […]

Chambers welcomes Jeremy Frost, as a third-six pupil

We are delighted to announce that Jeremy Frost has joined chambers as a third-six pupil having completed his pupillage at Garden Court chambers. Before arriving at Goldsmith Chambers, Jeremy had already gained a broad experience of criminal and civil work, and had begun to establish a busy practice centring on immigration and public law. He is now […]

Response on EU Settlement Scheme to ICIBI

Members of the immigration team have responded to the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration’s call for evidence concerning the government’s EU Settlement Scheme. This concerns the fate of EEA nationals and their family members living in the UK post-Brexit and the transition period due to come to an end on 31st December 2020. […]

Hannah Gladwell – our latest member

Chambers is delighted to announce that Hannah Gladwell, a former pupil in Chambers, has accepted an offer of tenancy. She becomes the latest member to join the Goldsmith Chambers family. Hannah practices in all areas of criminal law and regularly appears in the Crown Court, Magistrates’ Court and Youth Court. She also accepts instructions in public […]


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