Archive: May 2017

‘No case to answer’ for Sarah Taylor

Sarah Taylor, one of chambers’ pupils, represented a parent prosecuted for failing to ensure her child attended school. The parent was acquitted after Sarah made a successful submission of ‘no case to answer’ on the basis of the child’s mental health condition.  During the trial at Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court, Sarah cross-examined the officer from the […]

Grant of permission to the Supreme Court in leading children’s best interest case

Charlotte Bayati of chambers’ immigration team, being led by Stephen Knafler QC of Landmark Chambers and instructed by Sampath Warnapala of Polpitiya Solicitors have been granted permission to appeal to the Supreme Court following the judgment of the Court of Appeal in MA (Pakistan) & Ors, R (on the application of) v Upper Tribunal (Immigration and […]

London Legal Walk 2017

Goldsmith Chambers joined many others – an estimate of 12,000 walkers – on the London Legal Walk yesterday evening, 22nd May 2017. The atmosphere was buzzing and the sun was shining. Chambers raised £1,182.50 – for a very good cause, the London Legal Support Trust. See you there next year!

Anthony Metzer QC represents child’s family in 5-day inquest

Anthony Metzer QC represented the family of a child in the 5-day inquest to establish the cause of their death on 1st June 2016 at home. Due to having complex medical needs, the child could not maintain their own airway and this was maintained instead by way of a tracheotomy. The inquest concluded on 28th […]

Goldsmith Chambers Spring Immigration Seminar

The Immigration Team collaborated with Tim Welch of the Civil Team. Tim gave step-by-step guidance on how to bring contract claims against education providers who have essentially expelled students affected by the TOEIC scandal. His talk included a discussion of the possible defences, which might be raised by education providers, and how those defences can be […]

Goldsmith Chambers hosts members of the Parents Circle

At a talk hosted by Goldsmith Chambers on Friday 5 May, Robi Damelin, Mazen Faraj, and Rami Elhanan described their painful journey of forgiveness and reconciliation following the death of their loved ones in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The speakers are members of the Parents Circle, an organisation formed solely of bereaved Israeli and Palestinian family members, […]

FORWARD invite Charlotte Proudman to support the UK Launch of European Knowledge Platform for Professionals Dealing with Female Genital Mutilation

Women’s rights NGO FORWARD invited barrister Charlotte Proudman to speak at the launch of the United to END FGM (UEFGM) European Knowledge Platform on 24 April 2017 at Garden Court Chambers, London. Charlotte shared her knowledge and experience of dealing with FGM asylum cases and female genital mutilation (FGM) Protection Orders in family courts. Goldsmith […]


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